Phylogenetic relationships of COI sequences of Oligogonotylus andinus sp. nov., Oligogonotylus manteri, and Oligogonotylus mayae. Phylogenetic tree reconstructed using the maximum-likelihood method based on the general time reversible with gamma distribution model (GTR+G). Numbers on the branches correspond to the ultrafast bootstrap approximation support values. Each terminal is identified by the alphanumeric accession number of GenBank. Terminals in blue correspond to the sequences obtained in this report. Diagram made with IQ-TREE 2.1.3.

  Part of: Vélez-Sampedro V, Uruburu M, Lenis C (2022) Morphological, molecular, and life cycle study of a new species of Oligogonotylus Watson, 1976 (Digenea, Cryptogonimidae) from Colombia. ZooKeys 1115: 169-186.