Localities for the Tylototriton umphangensis sp. nov., (circle = type locality) at Umphang Wildlife Sanctuary, Tak Province and the distribution of its closely related species. T. uyenoi (number) in Thailand: 1 Namtok Mae Surin NP, Mae Hong Son Province 2 Doi Mak Lang 3 Doi Ang Khang 4 Chiang Dao WS 5 Doi Suthep-Pui 6 Doi Chang Kien 7 Doi Inthanon 8 Doi Mon Jong, Chiang Mai Province 9 Doi Soi Malai, Tak Province and 10 Khao Laem NP, Kanchanaburi Province. NP = National Park and WS = Wildlife Sanctuary. The map is modified by N. Taewcharoen.

  Part of: Pomchote P, Peerachidacho P, Hernandez A, Sapewisut P, Khonsue W, Thammachoti P, Nishikawa K (2021) A new species of the genus Tylototriton (Urodela, Salamandridae) from western Thailand. ZooKeys 1072: 83-105. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1072.75320