Internal characters of H. tianjinensis A dorsal view of reproductive system B ventral view of dissected anterior sucker C ventral view of jaw. Abbreviations: a, atrium; ag, albumen gland; co, common oviduct; e, epididymis; eb, ejaculatory bulb; g, ganglion; j, jaw; o, ovisac; p, prostate; ps, penis sheath; s, sulcus; te, testisac; to, tooth; v, vagina; vd, vas deferens.

  Part of: Wang H, Meng F-M, Jin S-J, Gao J-W, Tong X-R, Liu Z-C (2022) A new species of medicinal leech in the genus Hirudo Linnaeus, 1758 (Hirudiniformes, Hirudinidae) from Tianjin City, China. ZooKeys 1095: 83-96.