Dorsal view of the head plates in Microplecostomus forestii sp. n., LBP 19017, 29.0 mm SL. CPT = compound pterotic; F = frontal; IO1-5 = infraorbitals; N = nasal; OP = opercle; PR1-4 postrostral plates; PF = prefrontal; PN = prenasal; POP = preopercle; R = rostral plate; SP = sphenotic; CP2 = subocular cheek plate; SOC = parieto-supraoccipital; AD = additional plates.

  Part of: Silva GSC, Roxo FF, Luz E. Ochoa LE, Oliveira C (2016) Description of a new catfish genus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from the Tocantins River basin in central Brazil, with comments on the historical zoogeography of the new taxon. ZooKeys 598: 129-157.