Comparison of D. phoenix sp. nov. with other Fijian species A D. phoenix sp. nov., with simple peristome, SH = 2.59 mm B D. rotunda Neubert and Bouchet, 2015, with bulbous penultimate whorl, SH = 2.65 mm C D. macrostoma (Mousson, 1870), SH = 2.84 mm and D D. martensi (H. Adams, 1866), SH = 2.62 mm, with strong ascending last whorl and double peristome.

  Part of: Bochud E, Haberthür D, Hlushchuk R, Neubert E (2021) A new Diancta species of the family Diplommatinidae (Cyclophoroidea) from Vanua Levu Island, Fiji. ZooKeys 1073: 1-12.