Kerria nepalensis scanning electron micrographs A anal ring setae B anal tubercle and dorsal spine C perivulvar pore cluster D magnified single perivulvar pore E brachia F brachial plate with dimples G anterior spiracle H a marginal duct cluster I a magnified marginal duct cluster J antenna K dorsal spine L mouthparts. Scale bars: 10 µm (D), 30 µm (I, J), 100 µm (A, F, L), 200 µm (G, H, K), 300 µm (E), 500 µm (B, C).

  Part of: Bashir NH, Wang W, Liu J, Wang W, Chen H (2021) First record of the lac-producing species Kerria nepalensis Varshney (Hemiptera, Kerriidae) from China, with a key to Chinese species. ZooKeys 1061: 1-9.