A Truncatoflabellum macroeschara, paratype, USNM 96661, Onslow Island, Western Australia B T. veroni, paratype, USNM 96655, Soela 54A, Western Australia C T. gambierense, USNM 1295473, USGS 10809, Balcombe’s Bay, Victoria (Balcombian = Middle Miocene) D T. irregulare, USNM 87713, Japan. Scale bars: all 10 mm.

  Part of: Cairns SD (2016) A key to the genera and species of the transversely-dividing Flabellidae (Anthozoa, Scleractinia, Flabellidae), with a guide to the literature, and the description of two new species. ZooKeys 562: 1-48. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.562.7310