Formicoccus yoshinoi Tanaka, sp. nov., adult female. Abbreviations: ALC, anal lobe cerarius (C18); ANT, antenna; AR, anal ring; DP, discoidal pore; LG, hind tibia. tarsus and claw; MP, multilocular pore; OCD, oral collar duct; PLC, penultimate cerarius (C17); TP, trilocular pore. Scale bars: 200 µm for ANT and LG; 100 µm for ALC, AR, and PLC; 10 µm for other details.

  Part of: Tanaka H, Suetsugu K, Kamitani S (2021) A parasitic insect on a parasitic plant: a new species of the genus Formicoccus Takahashi (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha, Pseudococcidae) from Ishigaki Island, Japan. ZooKeys 1060: 171-182.