Ventral views of male Niphta halteralis group terminalia A N. acus sp. nov. B N. downesi sp. nov. C N. halteralis D N. mapuche sp. nov. Abbreviations: cerc, cercus; epand, epandrium; gcx, gonocoxite; gcx pl, gonocoxal plate; gcx pl fl, gonocoxal plate filament; gst, gonostylus; pm, paramere. Scale bars : 0.1 mm.

  Part of: Pivar RJ, Sinclair BJ, Moulton JK (2021) Revision of the genus Niphta (Diptera, Thaumaleidae) Theischinger of South America, with descriptions of nine new species and a new immature morphotype. ZooKeys 1063: 49-104.