Neighbor-joining (NJ) topology of the analyzed isopod species based on Kimura 2-parameter distances. Triangles show the relative number of individual’s sampled (height) and sequence divergence (width). Red triangles highlight terrestrial species with intraspecific maximum pairwise distances > 2.2%, whereas dark blue triangles indicate freshwater species with such distances. Numbers next to nodes represent non-parametric bootstrap values > 90% (1,000 replicates). Asterisks indicate species not recorded in Germany.

  Part of: Raupach MJ, Rulik B, Spelda J (2022) Surprisingly high genetic divergence of the mitochondrial DNA barcode fragment (COI) within Central European woodlice species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea). ZooKeys 1082: 103-125.