Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE) of the altitudinal levels and sites of the aquatic beetle fauna of Volcán Tacaná, Chiapas, Mexico A most parsimonious tree of the five sampling levels, with levels 3–5 considered each as a unit (number of steps = 43, consistency index (CI) = 93, retention index (RI) = 83) B strict consensus of the five most parsimonious trees of the five sampling levels, with levels 3–5 considered as two separate units each (number of steps = 53, consistency index (CI) = 75, retention index (RI) = 63). Red numbers = species (see Table 1); 1 = presence, 0 = absence, black circles = single event or first appearance, white circles = independent event or reversal (disappearance).

  Part of: Luna-Luna AM, Martins CC, López-Pérez A, Ramírez-Ponce A, Contreras-Ramos A (2022) Aquatic beetle diversity from Volcán Tacaná, Mexico: altitudinal distribution pattern and biogeographical affinity of the fauna. In: Pauls SU, Thomson R, Rázuri-Gonzales E (Eds) Special Issue in Honor of Ralph W. Holzenthal for a Lifelong Contribution to Trichoptera Systematics. ZooKeys 1111: 301-338.