Omobrachyiulus lazanyiae sp. nov., ♂ paratype (SMNG) A hypoproct (basal corners broken off), ventral view B right leg 1, mesal view C right flange of pleurotergum 7, ventro-lateral view D right opisthomere, mesal, somewhat oral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (D), 0.1 mm (A–C). Abbreviations: ao apical outgrowth of basoposterior process, aol lamellar part of basoposterior process’ apical outgrowth, fc flagellum channel, g (supposed) gonocoxal gland, ml mesomeroidal lobe, s solenomere, sc seminal channel, sf spiniform filaments, sl mesal lobe of solenomere.

  Part of: Vagalinski B, Golovatch SI (2021) The millipede tribe Brachyiulini in the Caucasus (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae). ZooKeys 1058: 1-127.