Male imago of Synorthocladius spp. Head (dorsal, left side) with vertex, coronal area and temporals of A S. federicoi sp. nov. B S. semivirens. Antenna, apex of last flagellomere of C, D S. federicoi sp. nov. E S. semivirens. Palpomere 3 of F S. federicoi sp. nov. G S. semivirens. Clypeus of H S. federicoi sp. nov. I S. semivirens. Lobes of antepronotum and acrostichals of J S. federicoi sp. nov. K S. semivirens. Humeral area of L S. federicoi sp. nov. M S. semivirens. The arrows indicate some distinguishing characters.

  Part of: Lencioni V, Moubayed J (2021) Synorthocladius federicoi sp. nov., a new species occurring in the middle basin of the Adige River, northern Italy (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). ZooKeys 1057: 105-116.