Advertisement call of Leucostethus siapida sp. nov. paratype CPZ-UV 7295 (19.9 mm SVL, 26.2°C ambient temperature; Suppl. material 2: Audio S2) A oscillogram and B audiospectrogram of three notes near the end of an 88-note call C power spectrum (spectrogram slice) at maximum amplitude of first note in A showing fundamental (2370 Hz) and dominant (4750 Hz) frequencies and harmonics (7120 Hz, 9490 Hz, 11820 Hz, 14190 Hz, 16610 Hz, 18970 Hz, and 21220 Hz). See text for analytical parameters.

  Part of: Grant T, Bolívar-García W (2021) A new species of Leucostethus (Anura, Dendrobatidae) from Gorgona Island, Colombia. ZooKeys 1057: 185-208.