T. (Lunatipula) caucasica A terminal segments of male abdomen, lateral view (dry) B–L male terminalia (after KOH 10% treatment) B hypopygium, caudal view C hypopygium, lateral view D sternite 8, ventral view E tergite 9, caudal view F tergite 9, dorsal view G inner and outer gonostylus, lateral view H inner and outer gonostylus, caudal view I gonocoxal fragment, dorsal view J semen pump and aedeagus, lateral view K adminiculum and paired apical appendages of sternite 9, caudal view L adminiculum and paired apical appendages of sternite 9, lateral view. Abbreviations: adm–adminiculum; as 8–paired appendages of sternite 8; as 9–apical appendages of sternite 9; ig–inner gonostylus; gcx–gonocoxite; og–outer gonostylus; s8–sternite 8; s9–sternite 9; t9–tergite 9. Scale bar: 1 mm.

  Part of: Lantsov VI, Pilipenko VE (2021) A new Palaearctic species of the subgenus Lunatipula (Diptera, Tipulidae) from the West Caucasus with a survey of the caucasica species group. ZooKeys 1048: 145-175. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1048.67564