A Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis) B Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis kalasgramensis) C Pierrei’s Cricket Frog (Minervarya pierrei) D Murree Hills Frog (Nanorana vicina) E, F Burrowing Frog (Sphaerotheca maskeyi). Photographers: Dr Muhammad Rais (A, C–F); Waqas Ali (B).

  Part of: Rais M, Ahmed W, Sajjad A, Akram A, Saeed M, Hamid HN, Abid A (2021) Amphibian fauna of Pakistan with notes on future prospects of research and conservation. ZooKeys 1062: 157-175. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1062.66913