Morphological feature of Urgleptes species. a–d Scapes of Urgleptes: a U. sandersoni b U. puertoricensis c U. charynae d U. obliteratus e Detail of posterior row of pronotal punctures characteristic of the genus and dense pronotal pubescence concentrated around lateral tubercles in U. charynae f Ventral view of U. conjunctus emphasizing distinctly dark mesofemora and mesotibiae and very narrow procoxal and mesocoxal processes g Narrow procoxal process and broad mesocoxal process for U. marionae h Broad procoxal and mesocoxal process for U. sandersoni.

  Part of: Ravin IS, Lingafelter SW (2015) Review of the genus Urgleptes Dillon (1956) of Hispaniola (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Acanthocinini): descriptions of five new species and one new synonymy. ZooKeys 532: 55-85.