Palatomaxillary apparatus and mandibles of Elaphe xiphodonta sp. nov. (IVPP OV 2721, paratype). Implemented by Peng-Fei Yin, Ye-Mao Hou and Jing-Song Shi A ventral (A1) and dorsal (A2) view of left palatomaxillary apparatus B posterolateral view of left maxilla (B1) and right dentary (B2), with cutting edges (ce) and caudolateral ridges indicated C labial (C1, right), ventrolateral (C2, left), ventral (C3, right, mirrored) and dorsal (C4, left) view of maxilla D Labial (D1) and lingual (D2) view of right dentary E labial (E1), lingual (E2), ventral (E3) and dorsal (E4) view of right mandible. Abbreviations: an. angular, at. atlas, ax. axis, bo. basioccipital, bs. basisphenoid, bt. blade teeth (“xiphodont”), ce. Posterior cutting edge of the blade teeth, chp. choanal process of palatine, clr. caudolateral ridge of the teeth, cp. compound bone, d. dentary, dpd. dorsal process of dentary, ecp. ectopterygoid, epm. ectopterygoid process of maxilla, etp. empty tooth position, exo. exoccipital, f. frontal, f5b. foramen for maxillary branch of trigeminal, f5c. foramen for mandibular branch of trigeminal, lf. lacrimal foramen, lfe. lateral furcula of ectopterygoid, m. maxilla, na. nasal, mfe. mesial furcula of ectopterygoid, mp. maxillary process of palatine, nf, nutrient foramen, p. parietal, pcr. prearticular crest of compound bone, pfr. prefrontal, pmx. premaxilla, po. postorbital, pp. palatine process of maxilla, pro. prootic, psp. parasphenoid rostrum, pt. pterygoid, pVf. posterior Vidian foramen, rpt. replacement teeth, sac. surangular crest of compound bone, smx, septomaxilla, so. supraoccipital, sp. splenial, st. supratemporal, v. vomer, vpd. ventral process of dentary, fs. fracture surface.