Dugesia verrucula Sagittal reconstruction of the copulatory apparatus of holotype ZJYA5. Abbreviations: bc: bursal canal; cb: copulatory bursa; cg: cement glands; d: diaphragm; db: dorsal bump; ed: ejaculatory duct; go: gonopore; lod: left oviduct; mo: mouth; pg: penial glands; ph: pharynx; pp: penis papilla; rod: right oviduct; sg: shell glands; sv: seminal vesicle; vd: vas deferens. Scale bar: 100 μm.

  Part of: Wang L, Chen J-z, Dong Z-m, Chen G-w, Sluys R, Liu D-z (2021) Two new species of Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae) from the tropical monsoon forest in southern China. ZooKeys 1059: 89-116. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1059.65633