Prothoracic legs of Theopropus spp. A, D T. sinecus sinecus B, E T. xishiae sp. nov. C, F T. sp. A–C male D–F female. Abbreviations: avfs = anteroventral femoral spines; avts = anteroventral tibial spines; ds = discoidal spines; fb = femoral brush; gs = genicular spur; pvfs = posteroventral femoral spines; pvts = posteroventral tibial spines; ts = tibial spur.

  Part of: Wu C, Liu C-X (2021) Notes on the genus Theopropus Saussure (Mantodea, Hymenopodidae) from China, with description of a new species from the Himalayas. ZooKeys 1049: 163-182.