Examples of problems associated with the IICT herpetological collections A a dehydrated specimen of Gerrhosaurus multilineatus from Angola B a jar with extensive fungal growth on the inside and outside C lipid loss on a snake specimen from Macau D jar in which the preservative fluid has evaporated and the specimen was attacked by insect pests E rotten specimen of Leptopelis due to poor initial fixation and evaporation of the ethanol preservative. Photographs by Mariana P. Marques.

  Part of: Ceríaco LMP, Parrinha D, Marques MP (2021) Saving collections: taxonomic revision of the herpetological collection of the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisbon (Portugal) with a protocol to rescue abandoned collections. ZooKeys 1052: 83-156. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1052.64607