Renal and pallial section of the female reproductive organs of Paladilhiopsis stellatus X. Abbreviations: bc – bursa copulatrix, cbc – duct of bursa, ga – albuminoid gland, gn – nidamental gland, gp – gonoporus, ov – oviduct, ovl – loop of (renal) oviduct, rs – seminal receptacle (in the position of Radoman’s (1983) rs1 – distal seminal receptacle). Scale bar: 500 μm.
Part of: Hofman S, Grego J, Rysiewska A, Osikowski A, Falniowski A (2021) Two new species of the Balkan genus Paladilhiopsis Pavlović, 1913 (Caenogastropoda, Moitessieriidae). ZooKeys 1046: 157-176.