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Materials and methods
Taxonomic accounts
Tribe Aleocharini Fleming, 1821
The key to Eastern Canadian Amarochara in Klimaszewski et al. (2018) should be modified as follows
Tribe Oxypodini C.G. Thomson, 1859
Subtribe Microglottina Fenyes, 1918
The key to genera of Oxypodini in Eastern Canada in Klimaszewski et al. (2018) should be modified as follows
Subtribe Oxypodina C.G. Thomson, 1859
Revised key to the Canadian genera of Tachyusini
Tribe Hypocyphtini Laporte, 1835
Homalotini Heer, 1839
Geostibini Seevers, 1978
Athetini Casey, 1910
The key to Canadian Mocyta in Klimaszewski et al. (2015) can be modified as follows (bicolored species)
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