Female reproductive tract of 5 Hoplolenus insignis LaFerté-Sénectère (dorsal view, Liberia), 6 Thryptocerus agaboides (Fairmaire) (ventral view, Imerina, Madagascar) 7 Coptocarpus sp. cf. chaudoiri (ventral view, Blackbull Creek, Queensland, Australia) 8 C. thoracicus (Laporte) (dorsal view, Frankland River, Western Australia, Australia). Abbreviations: at, atrium; bc, bursa copulatrix; co, common oviduct; deb, distal extension of bursa copulatrix; rc, receptaculum; sg, spermatheca gland; smc, seminal canal; spc, spermathecal canal. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.