Helictopleurus viettei A, B habitus of male (A) and female (B) C, D lateral and anterior view of the aedeagus; basoventral lobes (BVLb) E endophallus: endophallic spines (EpS); superior (SpLC) and inferior (IpLC) part of the lamella copulatrix. Helictopleurus pluristriatus F dorsal habitus of the holotype G lateral view of the aedeagus.

  Part of: Rossini M, Montreuil O, Grebennikov V, Tarasov S (2021) Genome sequencing reveals extraordinary cephalic horns in the Madagascan dung beetle genus Helictopleurus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae): insight from a revision of fungicola species group. ZooKeys 1033: 63-79. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1033.63527