Scyphidium australiense Tabachnick, Janussen & Menschenina, 2008, NIWA 126237, spicules A prostal diactin, whole and enlarged ends, one broken distal end and two intact proximal ends B choanosomal diactins, whole long and short versions at different scales plus enlarged tips and central swellings C dermalium: pentactin, whole and enlarged tips D atrialia, hexactin, whole and enlarged tip, pentactin, whole with enlarged tips, and paratetractin, whole; scales are the same as those for dermalium E spheres as small group of whole ones and one enlarged F discohexaster 1, whole and enlarged terminal ray end G discohexaster 2, whole and enlarged part of one ray tuft H oxyhexaster, whole and enlarged terminal ray end. Scales are the same for all whole microscleres and their enlarged parts.