Nubes tubulata gen. nov., sp. nov., holotype NIWA 126159, spicules A whole prostal hypodermal pentactin and enlarged ray ends B whole curved and straight choanosomal diactins with two enlarged ends; scales of whole spicules and parts in B and C as in A; C whole choanosomal hexactin with two enlarged ray ends D two dermalia, a subhexactin, and a stauractin, with enlarged ray ends and centres E two atrialia, a pinular subhexactin, and a regular hexactin with enlarged centrum of the pinular subhexactin and a ray end; scales of whole spicules and parts as in D; F two oxyhexasters G enlarged terminal ray of an oxyhexaster H anisodiscohexasters, from SEM preparation (above) and LM preparation (below).