Caulophacus (Caulophacus) ramosus sp. nov., NIWA 126085, spicules A two whole hypodermal body pentactins and enlarged ray tips B two whole hypoatrial body pentactins and enlarged ray ends C a choanosomal hexactin and two enlarged ray tips D t wo whole choanosomal diactins and enlarged ends and central swellings E dermal body pinular pentactin and enlarged ray ends F atrial body pinular pentactin and enlarged ray ends G discohexactin and enlarged ray end H hemidiscohexaster I thin-rayed stellate discohexaster with enlarged secondary ray tuft and a secondary ray. Scale bars in A apply to B–D scales in E apply to F whole microscleres are at the same scale.

  Part of: Reiswig HM, Dohrmann M, Kelly M, Mills S, Schupp PJ, Wörheide G (2021) Rossellid glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida) from New Zealand waters, with description of one new genus and six new species. ZooKeys 1060: 33-84.