Gnorimosphaeroma 16SrDNA phylogeny based on maximum likelihood and 54 sequences. Gnorimosphaeroma oregonense (6 localities), G. noblei (11 localities), G. rayi (4 localities), and 2 localities within San Francisco Bay for the unidentified Gnorimosphaeroma sp. Red = G. oregonense, light blue = G. noblei, purple = G. rayi, orange = Gnorimosphaeroma sp. (same color coding as in Fig. 10).

  Part of: Wetzer R, Wall A, Bruce NL (2021) Redescription of Gnorimosphaeroma oregonense (Dana, 1853) (Crustacea, Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae), designation of neotype, and 16S-rDNA molecular phylogeny of the north-eastern Pacific species. ZooKeys 1037: 23-56.