Molecular phylogeny of the minor species group. Asterisks indicate a posterior probability of > 0.95. Colored boxes and arrows indicate clades: black arrow, Nannaria scholastica sp. nov.; sky blue box, N. domestica clade; orange box, N. fowleri clade; light yellow box, N. paupertas clade; green box, N. mcelroyorum clade; burnt orange arrow, N. hardeni sp. nov.; brown box, N. serpens clade; turquoise box, N. castanea clade; lime green box, N. laminata clade; dark pink box, N. tasskelsoae clade; camo green box, N. tennesseensis clade; yellow box, N. ignis clade; blue box, N. ohionis clade; light pink box, N. blackmountainensis clade; forest green box, N. terricola clade; purple box, N. ambulatrix clade; red box, N. minor clade.

  Part of: Means JC, Hennen DA, Marek PE (2021) A revision of the minor species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae). ZooKeys 1030: 1-180.