Female genitalia. Tetricodes ansatus Chang & Chen, sp. n. 16 anal segment, dorsal view 17 Sternum VII, ventral view 18 Anterior connective lamina of gonapophyses VIII, lateral view 19 Posterior connective lamina of gonapophyses IX, dorsal view 20 Posterior connective lamina of gonapophyses IX, lateral view 21 Gonoplacs, lateral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm. Abbreviations. lf–lateral field of posterior connective lamina of gonapophyses IX; mdp–medial dorsal process; mf–medial field of posterior connective lamina of gonapophyses IX; pvd–posterior ventral lobes; slf–sublateral field of posterior connective lamina of gonapophyses IX.

  Part of: Chang Z-M, Yang L, Long J-K, Chen X-S (2017) Three new species of the genus Tetricodes Fennah, 1956 in Parahiraciini (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae) from southwestern China. ZooKeys 698: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.698.6101