A Sampling location, positives sites for Neonella species and their distribution. Key: black circle = negative sites (further localities that were sampled but that did not yield Neonella spp.); white circle = N. montana; white triangle = N. acostae; white circle with a cross = N. acostae and N. montana; white circle with a X = N. montana and N. minuta; white squares = N. acostae, N. minuta, and N. montana B Typical location/habitat for N. acostae C Typical location/habitat for N. montana.

  Part of: Rubio GD, ArgaƱaraz CI, Gleiser RM (2015) A new species of jumping spider Neonella Gertsch, with notes on the genus and male identification key (Araneae, Salticidae). ZooKeys 532: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.532.6078