Maximum likelihood phylogram of Rwandan species in the genus Hyperolius with Afrixalus quadivittatus, Leptopelis karissimbensis and L. cf. kivuensis 2 as outgroups, based on comparison of 548 base pairs of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. Included are 42 adult specimens collected in southwestern Rwanda, samples taken from GenBank and five tadpoles representing the morphotypes collected in the Karamba and Uwasenkoko swamps (specimen identification in Appendix I). Numbers above nodes are percentage support values from maximum likelihood. Only values above 50% are shown.

  Part of: Lehr E, Dehling J, Greenbaum E, Sinsch U (2015) Embryogenesis and tadpole description of Hyperolius castaneus Ahl, 1931 and H. jackie Dehling, 2012 (Anura, Hyperoliidae) from montane bog pools. ZooKeys 546: 125-152.