Characters of Circinatus. 126–127 Species removed from Circinatus A habitus B left lateral view of median lobe C dorsal view of median lobe D right paramere. 126 Pterostichus (Morphohaptoderus) schuelkei Sciaky & Wrase, holotype (A), locality: Houzhenzi 127 Pterostichus (Morphohaptoderus) wenxianensis Allegro & Sciaky, holotype 128 Habitus, an aberrant specimen of P. bullatus Allegro & Sciaky 129–132 Elytral microsculpture 129 granular microsculpture in female of P. dimorphus sp. n. 130 isodiametric microsculpture in male of P. dimorphus sp. n. 131 transversal microsculpture in P. wangjiani sp. n. 132 linear microsculpture in P. maitreya sp. n. 133–134 Ventral view of median lobe, showing ventral opening of apical orifice 133 P. dimorphus sp. n. 134 P. wangjiani sp. n. 135 Pronotum of P. adelphus sp. n. 136 pronotum of P. wangjiani sp. n. 137 Hind leg of Pterostichus (Morphohaptoderus) schuelkei Sciaky & Wrase, showing three setae on metacoxa 138 Stylomere of female ovipositor of P. pohnerti Jedlička, A dorsal view B outer lateral view C ventral view. Scale bars: 2.0 mm (126A, 127A, 128), 0.5 mm (126B, 126C, 127B, 127C, 133, 134), 0.2 mm (126D, 127D), 0.05 mm (129–132).

  Part of: Shi H, Liang H (2015) The genus Pterostichus in China II: the subgenus Circinatus Sciaky, a species revision and phylogeny (Carabidae, Pterostichini). ZooKeys 536: 1-92.