Male genitalia of Pterostichus (Circinatus) spp.; A left lateral view of median lobe B dorsal view of median lobe C right paramere D left lateral view of endophallus E right lateral view of endophallus F ventral view of endophallus 37 P. agilis Allegro & Sciaky, locality: Luojishan 38 P. zhygealu sp. n., holotype (A, B, C), paratype (D, E, F) 39 P. bullatus Allegro & Sciaky, locality: Yizi pass. Abbreviations of endophallic lobes explained in description of each species.Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A, B, D, E, F); 0.2 mm (C).

  Part of: Shi H, Liang H (2015) The genus Pterostichus in China II: the subgenus Circinatus Sciaky, a species revision and phylogeny (Carabidae, Pterostichini). ZooKeys 536: 1-92.