Plakobranchus papua. Images taken from live animals (external morphology). a Dorsal view, parapodia folded up on the dorsal body surface; arrow shows short yellow rod-like spots along the parapodial border b Dorsal view with detail of the rolled rhinophore indicated by an arrow c Detail of head, rhinophores, and pedal tentacles d Open parapodia with lamellae containing branches of the digestive gland and showing renopericardial area e Ventral view of bilobed oral prominence, narrow foot, and truncated black tail. Scale bars: a, d, e = 10 mm; b, c = 5 mm

  Part of: Meyers-Muñoz MA, van der Velde G, van der Meij SET, Stoffels BEMW, van Alen T, Tuti Y, Hoeksema BW (2016) The phylogenetic position of a new species of Plakobranchus from West Papua, Indonesia (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Sacoglossa). ZooKeys 594: 73-98.