Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination of carabid beetle assemblages at Armero (Colombia). Wet and dry season catches were analyzed and plotted separately. The catch in five of the ten forest samples returned zero individuals, and were removed from the analysis. The ellipses indicate 1 SD of the weighted average of site scores of forest (dotted line), early succession (long dashed line), and pasture (solid line). Abbreviations of the significant environmental vectors: soiltemp = soil temperature, airtemp = air temperature, litterdepth = leaf litter depth (cm), canopy = percentage canopy cover. Stress value 0.06.

  Part of: Ariza GM, Jácome J, Esquivel HE, Kotze DJ (2021) Early successional dynamics of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the tropical dry forest ecosystem in Colombia. In: Spence J, Casale A, Assmann T, Liebherr JК, Penev L (Eds) Systematic Zoology and Biodiversity Science: A tribute to Terry Erwin (1940-2020). ZooKeys 1044: 877-906.