Ptychoptera yunnanica sp. nov. a male genitalia, lateral view b epandrium, dorsal view c gonocoxite and gonostylus, dorsal view d hypandrium, ventral view e aedeagus, anterior view f aedeagus, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. (ESS = Subapical Spine of Epandrium, GAS = Apical stylus of gonostylus, GBA = Anterior lobe of basal lobe of gonostylus, GBM = Medial lobe of basal lobe of gonostylus, GSL = Secondary lobe of Apical Stylus of Gonostylus, HBS = Basal scale of Hypandrium, HSL = Spathate Lobe of Hypandrium, HTD = Terminal Division of Hypandrium, HTE = Lateral Extension of Terminal Division, hypd = hypandrium, PMB = Paramere Base, PPA = Apical Process of Paramere).

  Part of: Zhang X, Kang Z (2021) Two new species of the genus Ptychoptera Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Ptychopteridae) from Yunnan, China with remarks on the distribution of Chinese species. ZooKeys 1070: 73-86.