Images of selected characters A SEM of pronotum of Phelister geminus, showing prescutellar impression and annulate median pronotal glands B SEM of pronotum of P. erwini, showing prescutellar impression and annulate median pronotal glands C SEM of pronotum of Phelister sculpturatus, showing prescutellar impression and annulate median pronotal glands D head of P. geminus, showing depressed frons and epistoma, and emarginate labrum E pronotum of P. uncinatus, showing non-annulate median pronotal gland openings F pronotum of P. semotus, showing non-annulate median pronotal gland openings G protibia of P. geminus, showing ‘scalloped’ protibial margin.

  Part of: Caterino MS, Tishechkin AK (2020) Recognition and revision of the Phelister blairi group (Histeridae, Histerinae, Exosternini). ZooKeys 1001: 1-154.