Spionidae A Aurospio cf. dibranchiata: anterior end, dorsal view (AM W.52242) B Aurospio sp. nov. 1, anterior end, dorsal view (AM W.52240) C Prionospio cf. amarsupiata, anterior end, dorsal view (AM W.52221) D Dipolydora notialis, heavy spine with crest of bristles on convex side from chaetiger 5 (AM W.52245) E Dipolydora notialis, bidentate hooded hooks with smooth, curved shafts without constriction from posterior chaetiger (AM W.52245) F Laonice cf. blakei: anterior end, dorsal-oblique view (AM W.52226) G Spiophanes anoculata, posteriorly incomplete specimen in dorsal-oblique view, metameric dorsal ciliated organ bordered by pigment of dark orange or ochre colour (AM W.52222). Scale bars: 100 µm (A, B, C); 1 µm (D, E); 200 µm (F); 500 µm (G).

  Part of: Gunton LM, Kupriyanova EK, Alvestad T, Avery L, Blake JA, Biriukova O, Böggemann M, Borisova P, Budaeva N, Burghardt I, Capa M, Georgieva MN, Glasby CJ, Hsueh P-W, Hutchings P, Jimi N, Kongsrud JA, Langeneck J, Meißner K, Murray A, Nikolic M, Paxton H, Ramos D, Schulze A, Sobczyk R, Watson C, Wiklund H, Wilson RS, Zhadan A, Zhang J (2021) Annelids of the eastern Australian abyss collected by the 2017 RV ‘Investigator’ voyage. ZooKeys 1020: 1-198. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1020.57921