Serpulidae A Bathyvermilia challengeri, tube only (AM W.49722) B Bathyvermilia cf. kupriyanovae, tube only (AM W.49707) C Bathyvermilia sp. nov. 3, specimen in white shiny tube (AM W.49494) D Hyalopomatus dieteri, tube only (AM W.49689) E Bathyvermilia sp. nov. 4, specimen in tube with high keel (AM W.49448) F Hyalopomatus sp. nov. 2, specimen removed from the tube (AM W. 49727) G Hyalopomatus sp. nov. 3, specimen removed from the tube (AM W. 49494) H Protis sp. 3, specimen partly removed tube, with egg sacks (AM W.49682) I Spirodiscus sp. nov., specimens in tubes (AM W.49511). Scale bars: 2 mm (A, C); 10 mm (B, E); 1 mm (D, F, H); 0.5 mm (G); 2 mm (I).

  Part of: Gunton LM, Kupriyanova EK, Alvestad T, Avery L, Blake JA, Biriukova O, Böggemann M, Borisova P, Budaeva N, Burghardt I, Capa M, Georgieva MN, Glasby CJ, Hsueh P-W, Hutchings P, Jimi N, Kongsrud JA, Langeneck J, Meißner K, Murray A, Nikolic M, Paxton H, Ramos D, Schulze A, Sobczyk R, Watson C, Wiklund H, Wilson RS, Zhadan A, Zhang J (2021) Annelids of the eastern Australian abyss collected by the 2017 RV ‘Investigator’ voyage. ZooKeys 1020: 1-198.