Head of Ceratina (Ceratinula) Moure, 1941 species in frontal view, showing the supraclypeal area and median paraocular area A, B female holotype of Ceratina (Ceratinula) fioreseana sp. nov., specimen deposited at the Entomological Collection of the Natural History Museum of the Federal University of Bahia (MHNBA-MZUFBA), in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil C, D female specimen of Ceratina (Ceratinula) manni Cockerell, 1912 from Amélia Rodrigues, Bahia, deposited at the Reference Collection of the Laboratório de Bionomia, Biogeografia e Sistemática de Insetos (BIOSIS), Federal University of Bahia (MHNBA-MZUFBA), in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Details: pls = puncture line delimiting the supraclypeal plain raised area above; ues = upper part of the epistomal suture.