Indopadilla kahariana . 80 male left palp, ventral view (Mulu Nat. Pk., 4.045°N, 114.816°E) 81 Same, retrolateral view of tibia 82 epigyne, ventral (specimen SWK12-1876) 83 vulva, dorsal 83–88 male (SWK12-1163) 89–92 Female (SWK12-1876). Distance between substrate grooves 10 mm. Scale bars: on genitalia 0.1 mm.

  Part of: Maddison WP, Beattie I, Marathe K, Ng PYC, Kanesharatnam N, Benjamin SP, Kunte K (2020) A phylogenetic and taxonomic review of baviine jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae, Baviini). ZooKeys 1004: 27-97.