Body ring (posterior view) in several Eutrichodesmus species, number inside ring indicates rows of tubercles on metaterga. All species without mid-dorsal projections on metaterga A E. elegans B E. filisetiger C E. gremialis D E. griseus E E. incisus F E. jianjia G E. latellai H E. latus I E. monodentus J E. multilobatus K E. nadan L E. obliteratus M E. parvus N E. peculiaris O E. planatus P E. reductus Q E. regularis R E. similis S E. simplex T E. sketi U E. spinatus V E. taiwanensis W E. tenuis X E. triangularis Y E. troglobius and Z E. trontelji. Not to scale. Figures modified from A Miyosi (1956) B, D, J, P, Q Golovatch et al. (2009b) C Hoffman (1982) E, H, R Golovatch et al. (2009a) F Liu and Wynne (2019) G, L, T, W, X, Y, Z Golovatch et al. (2015) I Zhang in Zhang and Wang (1993) K Golovatch et al. (2016) M Liu and Wesener (2017) N Murakami (1966) O, S, U Liu and Tian (2013) and V Golovatch et al. (2010).