Swim bladders of nine Sillago species A S. nigrofasciata sp. nov. B S. sihama C S. shaoi D S. sinica E S. indica F S. parvisquamis G S. intermedius (McKay 1992) H S. caudicula (Kaga et al. 2010) I S. suezensis (sketch based on Golani et al. 2014). AE, anterior extension; ASAE, anterior sub-extension of anterolateral extension; PSAE, posterior sub-extension of anterolateral extension; LP, lateral processes; DLP, duct-like process; PE, posterior extension. Black arrows indicate differences between S. nigrofasciata sp. nov. and S. sihama.

  Part of: Xiao J-G, Yu Z-S, Song N, Gao T-X (2021) Description of a new species, Sillago nigrofasciata sp. nov. (Perciformes, Sillaginidae) from the southern coast of China. ZooKeys 1011: 85-100. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1011.57302