Comparison of the dorsal median ridge present on the head and first trunk ring in: A S. harastii and B S. nigra, AMS I.42611-009. Note the dorsal median ridge (DMR) extending into the first trunk ring in S. nigra versus ending on the posterior nuchal plate in S. harastii. Abbreviations: ANP, anterior nuchal plate; DMR, dorsal median ridge; Fr, frontal; PNP, posterior nuchal plate; SOC, supraoccipital; first TnR, first trunk ring (illustration by Kent Sorgon).

  Part of: Short G, Trevor-Jones A (2020) Stigmatopora harastii, a new species of pipefish in facultative associations with finger sponges and red algae from New South Wales, Australia (Teleostei, Syngnathidae). ZooKeys 994: 105-123.