Tree topology obtained by Maximum Parsimony in MEGA-X using a modified version of Lopardo et al., (2011) and Feng et al., (2019) plus the four symphytognathid species from our study (in red). Numbers at nodes indicate bootstrap support. Note the paraphyly of Anapidae and the high support of Crassignatha and Patu in the Symphytognathidae. Molecular vouchers used for previous “symphytognathoid” studies (Lopardo et al. 2011; Lopardo and Hormiga 2015) identified to genus level by L. Lopardo (pers. comm.) as follows: ■ Crassignatha (apparently conspecific with C. seeliam); ◆Patu; and ▲Symphytognatha.

  Part of: Rivera-Quiroz FA, Petcharad B, Miller JA (2021) First records and three new species of the family Symphytognathidae (Arachnida, Araneae) from Thailand, and the circumscription of the genus Crassignatha Wunderlich, 1995. ZooKeys 1012: 21-53.