Comparison of A Coryphopterus curasub sp. n., holotype, USNM 406373, 33.3 mm SL, and its most similar congener B Coryphopterus dicrus, USNM 413296, 30 mm SL. Note the differences in the shape of the basicaudal pigment marking (with distinct anterior projection in C. curasub), body depth (shallower in C. curasub), head pigment (absence of a distinct blotch of black pigment immediately posterior to the orbit and presence of a black triangle of pigment beneath the anteroventral portion of orbit in C. curasub (present and absent, respectively, in C. dicrus), and trunk pigment (blotches predominantly yellow with few melanophores interspersed among them in C. curasub vs. blotches predominantly orange/rust with numerous melanophores interspersed among them in C. dicrus).

  Part of: Baldwin CC, Robertson DR (2015) A new, mesophotic Coryphopterus goby (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the southern Caribbean, with comments on relationships and depth distributions within the genus. ZooKeys 513: 123-142.