Two host plant species of Colocasiomyia flies A–D Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxb.) Schott (Ertaipo, Mt. Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China) E–H R. crassicaulis Engl. & Karause (Qimaba, Lüchun, Yunnan, China) A, E plants climbing on tall trees B, F inflorescence buds C, G inflorescences D, H infructescences (with leaves shown together in H).

  Part of: Jiao R-J, Bai L-H, Gao J-J (2020) Descriptions of two new species of the genus Colocasiomyia (Diptera, Drosophilidae) breeding on Rhaphidophora host plants in Yunnan, China. ZooKeys 968: 127-141.