Nausithoe sp. from Brazil. A tissue balls originated from polyp AC02 ephyrae B emerged polyps from same tissue balls in A after 22 weeks, showing the polyp opening; note that the basal parts are fused C external view of part of polyp AC18, showing by transparency the internal whorls of cusps (wc) D oral disc of polyp AC01, showing the tentacle crown (tc) and the mouth opening (m) with the gastric longitudinal septa (gs) E polyp AC02 releasing ephyrae.

  Part of: Molinari CG, Maronna MM, Morandini AC (2020) New record of Nausithoe werneri (Scyphozoa, Coronatae, Nausithoidae) from the Brazilian coast and a new synonymy for Nausithoe maculata. ZooKeys 984: 1-21.